Home / Characters / Candytuft


Pictorial Sweetheart

A travelling photographer and painter!

Candytuft spends a lot of time using his artistic abilites to take inspiration from the locations he visits to show to other people.

Relationship wise, he struggles to keep many close connections despite his good intentions.

With travelling, contact with others gets hard. Additionally, at times, he can be very stubborn...

It gets lonely sometimes, but he has a passion, and nothing will stop him!


Redbud is Candytuft's younger sibling.

"Oh! Eheh.. I think we get along, I mean? We don't argue or anything... She just feels a bit distant..."


Èlodie is Candytuft's art mentor and friend.

"Ugh... He's so- No, no... He's a good friend, if he even sees me as his friend, but he's so draining sometimes. I just want to help him.."


Hizapun is Candytuft's friend.

"Aha.. Um, yeah. I don't really have much friends. She's one of my only ones... So I'm grateful!"


Kani is a villager of the same birth town.

"...My opinion on him is the same as everyone else in town, obviously. But I guess I just, can't forgive him for what happened to Redbud."

affiliation: None
related stories: Cedarpine
pronouns: He/They
character day: May 16th
likes: Sunsets
dislikes: Hand cramps

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