Home / Characters / Valentine Belladon


Floral Reaper

A quiet florist with a romantic secret...!

Valentine seemingly never wants confrontation and never spends time with others. Yet, under that exterior is an unstable man with severe impulsivity and a constant bitterness.

While Valentine had spent his time doom-scrolling or working, he’s picked up a new type of hobby–Serial murder?!

What could a lonely florist have as a motivation to kill people he had no connections to?

The answer might be related to the detective on the case.


Ciro is Valentine's occasional roommate.

"If you see him, tell him he needs to pay me 20 when I drove him home after he blacked out drunk."


Kyrah is Valentine's acquaintance.

"I don't like her. I don't like the police in general, though. They can never do their jobs. They're all disgusting pigs... Oh, but who cares what a guy like me has to say, haha... Pay me no mind."


⚠️ is Valentine's acquaintance.

"That bartender? I catch him talking to himself all the time. To be honest, I'm worried for him. Or, well, I pity him."


Toby is Valentine's late-aunt.

"That's my aunt. I never knew her, but the stories I've found about her... She's the only sane one. She would be proud if she could see me. I know it."


"You and I are the same."

affiliation: Valentines Vase
related stories: Viscera Decoration
pronouns: He/Him
birthday: "Feb 14"
likes: Crushing like a stereotypical teen girl
dislikes: many things

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