Home / Characters / Lacuna


pure nihility

The only natural born citizen of LXXVII.

She lives in a manor filled with blue-flamed candles, the only source of light in the world. Occasionally, a crack in the world shows a gentle moonlight.

Lacuna spends her time organizing books. She enjoys fairytales, and often reads them to other Aonarans to soothe them. Her voice is soft enough to slow down corruption.

Many of the Aonarans love her. It is said she was a part of Lotus-Eater's soul, but she dislikes that notion. To her, she is her own person.

Besides, the status of an overseer means nothing to her. She'd rather stay inside and make a pillow-fort with her friends.

She loves dreaming of better worlds.


Crow is Lacuna's acquaintance.

"I was the one who found that some of the books could take you to Sucréllume De Lys. I was foolish, and told him right away. ...He offers me to join him often, but I have Vemodalen shoo him away."


Vamodalen is Lacuna's friend.

"I've grown up with him, but he's still a bit annoying. At least it's not lonely here."

affiliation: LXXVII
related stories: N/A
pronouns: she/her
character day: Feb 29
likes: Pillow Forts
hates: Nightmares

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