Home / Characters / "Corbin Beaulieu"
Noir Veil II

A bird watcher and local cultist...?
Corbin has quite a reputation in the city. While he's generally rather friendly and tries to cheer people up, his expressions always makes people uneasy.
Corbin struggles with understanding the purpose in his life....
Wanting to live the way he wants but not being sure what that is, being unemployed and relying on his family inheritence, and living a worthless life-
He tends to be easily swayed by ideals that there is something more for him.
Luckily he's rather stable, for now.

Noe is Corbin's...
"He's so mean to me all the time. He talks to me with such a cold look. Boo hoo. He's gonna make me cry, haha~"

Olivier is Corbin's friend. (?)
"I hate it when they ignore me. I mean, I don't really care but they're so creepily beautiful that it makes me uncomfortable when they do."

Angelica is Corbin's friend.
"Goodness, if I've ever met someone as eccentric as her. It's fun to tag along though. Gives me something to do."

⚠️ is Corbin's acquaintance.
"Haha, that guy? TOOOOTAL mess. Like, worse than me type of mess. I'd invite him to us, but er, Angelica is totally biased against him. So much for 'loving all,' am I right?"
affiliation: | LXXVII "His soulmate." |
related stories: | MAD LAB PARTY |
pronouns: | He/Him |
birthday: | Aug 13 |
likes: | Praise |
hates: | Swans |
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